Raaagh! GLING!! OOooghreuugh! KLANGGG!!! Wooohooo! BOOOM!!!
I'm sitting in the backstage @ Gamescom 2013 now , The sounds around us here are one huge orchestration of Heroic Music, Explosions, Screaming Orcs, Deadpan final speeches, Metal Weapons sounds and other adrenalin pumping stuff…
and (about half an hour ago) these (BIG) sounds were interrupted for a really cool acoustic OMNIA PaganFolk gig, which we played for the assembled Press and visitors of this gigantic Games Convention here in Köln at the Blizzard stage… Now we are done for today so we are going to lose ourselves in some gaming madness!! … I love Fantasy games… I grew up on Roll playing Games… my brain looks like a D20… so for these three days that we are here we're gonna play PaganFolk and play Cool Games!…
we're always playing with our toys… we're not like other girls and boys…
XXX Dungeonmaster Sic et OMNIA
Photo by "the Roadie" Thomas