So…are any of your friends waking up yet?

7 Oct 2024

Or are they all still fast asleep?

Playing “normal”  in this puppet show masquerading as a functional society of free individuals in a functioning natural world with a protective collective democratic government is very hard, isn’t it?..

As the weather weapons wreak havoc, destroying property and taking lives…

As the most disgusting wars since the invasion of europe run unchecked by the socalled UN peace-council…

As vaccination victims drop dead like flies with heart attacks, cancer, bloodclots, strokes…

As our cash is being made obsolete…

As weird actors posing as “politicians” ,are given power over life and death,
without any form of democratic control. (ps: if we lived in a real democracy tax would be voluntary)

As our kids turn into sick mutilated brainwashed parodies of people…

As our old turn into mindless zombies…

As the totalitarian zionist pedofile world government crushes our realm in it’s sweaty fist…

As everyone is staring down at their digitally manipulated reality held inside the palm of their hand…

hmmm?… I can see why they prefer to stay asleep…

it takes a lot of courage to face up to reality and see the truth of what’s happening

But that makes all the difference between a Warrior and a Slave

I’m getting so sick of still having to talk with all those asleep sheep out there…
It’s so hard to have a normal conversation with normies, who just talk “business as usual” and cannot see what is being done to our world by the sick un natural cult that is running this place…

I would rather have just 1 friend who has awoken,

than a 1000 of those weak squishy sleepwalkers that are just getting in the way of liberation from this silly puppet show we’re all trapped in…

Just my thoughts for today

but…according to 95% of all the people I used to know,
I’m now a “conspiracy theorist”


Have a nice day, as long as it lasts!

Inquisitor Sic  ;-)

artwork by the wonderfull BOB