OMNIA chose long ago to simply name their selfmade style of musick: "PAGANFOLK", which etymologically speaking would mean: "nature-religious, traditional indigenous music"
OMNIA means "everything" in Latin. It stands for the fact that OMNIA is not bound by any particular regional music genre or style. This musical diversity, the creative writing of Stenny and the fact that OMNIA uses hand-made acoustic traditional and prehistoric instruments, give them their own special "earthy" style.
Their Earthy PaganFolk sounds and songs have become an example to many in this world of bland popsongs and media hyped "Pagan" acts...
Even though Steve Sic and Jenny run a strictly underground cult-band, steering away from mass media, they have worked with many musicians and influenced many other main stream bands and artists worldwide and developed the "PaganFolk" scene. They have harvested international acclaim on countless different festivals in diverse alternative music scenes throughout Europe and the Americas since 2002.