Free Bird Fly...

16 May 2014

I have a hobby I like to call "bird holding"... no seriously!
(although it's not so much of a hobby as something that just keeps happening in my life.)

NEW Pictures On Our Website

13 May 2014

I’ve added some really cool new pictures to our online gallery of our theater show last friday..
Click HERE to check them out!

Pictures are taken by our friend, Kees Stravers, thanks again dude! 

Greenz Daphyd et OMNIA

What a weekend, what a job!… Fuck Yeah!

11 May 2014

We rolled a lot of miles… we played in the luxury of the grand theatre in one country…. then we played in one of the worst fucking hail/rain storms I’ve ever seen ON a stage !
… The whole crummy stage got washed out, our electric wiring was floating in water, the crowd was half drowned ,

Our merch- tent tore open and nearly flew away… the storm winds really fecking blowed on the golden MPS… 


Pagans on the road!

10 May 2014
(driving together apart)

Great theatre gig last night! the Venue was overflowing with goodness like a buxom medieval corset! Now (5 hours of sleep later) we are on the road south to MPS Weil am Rhein on the swiss/ german/ french border ...
We go forth... To Rock!!!
... Paganstyle! 
(somewhere on the autobahn in the BlackPearl and the Blue Diamond)

OMNIA growing like old man Tree

10 May 2014

(and apparently it's getting bigger!)

The small seed that was planted way back in 1996 has grown considerably. It actually shouldn't be possible for a completely independant band to survive and grow this long ... while still remaining under the radar of commercial pop and big business music exploitation OMNIA has silently grown into quite a popular band.


8 May 2014

From the first hit I gave her I fell in love with her 
She is called a Roman wells Oak snare.
In Belgium there was an archeological excavation where they found a 1st century Gallo/Roman well.

The wood inside the well was perfectly preserved so they called in master-builder Gert Breugelmans (Lignum Drums ) to collect this unique wood. He made this beautifull snare-drum out of that ancient 2000 year old black Oak wood !!!!
He was so kind to give me some extra left-over bits that are lying on my home altar now.

Good Pagan/ Bad Pagan...

8 May 2014

the importance of ritual... 
(yep it's a long one again!)

We're non-dogmatic Pagans , which means that we worship the living Planet as our one supply of Life, Love and Reason... but we have no written rules that dictate how we "do it"... So basically Life itself is our whole palette of Gods and Goddesses... it's our one and only religion... it comes straight from the heart...
We don't have very strict dogma's like most regular religions who's doctrines seem to lean more towards rules of "domination and submission" as well as the ever-popular "let's judge the sinners! " . Our faith leans more towards rules of "let's have a nice life and enjoy the good things she has to offer" as well as "let's get along together without causing too much harm"

Beautifull Harp Woman

7 May 2014

 Gnarly Old ManTree

and the photographer's that makes three!........
now that's poetry! 

Speaking of "OldManTree" we will play our LAST THEATRE SHOW of this season coming friday in 

StadsTheater Zoetermeer (NL)

and OldManTree is on the theatre setlist (ofcourse!)

The big hall is almost sold out... but there are still some tickets left... so, I'm sure we can squeeze in a few more freaks!

Enjoying the sun ^^

6 May 2014

Today we're rehearsing for our upcoming Theater show in Zoetermeer (NL). This will be the only theater gig of this Don't miss it!!!  

(Tickets and info)

Greeeeenz and Peace, OMNIA

Picture by Patricio



30 Apr 2014

The New "EARTH WARRIOR" shirts that Sic designed are finished!!!
get the robust "Standard Organic cotton Tee-shirt" (€15,-)
or our super sexy  girly "lacy top" (€25,-)

These lovely rebellious statements of your support for Nature and OMNIA will be sold at our live-merchandise stand at OMNIA concerts and ofcourse also in our online web-shop Starting this weekend!

HokaHey! wear 'em with PRIDE!


28 Apr 2014

Day 3... the horror continues ;-)

Monkey Monkey Monkey Boyzzzz!!!

Greenz and Hoehahahaaaaaargh!!!!

Pic by Mighty Mies


27 Apr 2014

day 2... it's raining

We're filming parts of the EarthWarrior video this weekend. 
It's been amazingly sunny all week , perfect Movie-weather!
so today we got up terribly early for some full and exciting days of movie-magic!
and as the camera's started rolling... so did the rainclouds!... mother nature decided to bless us with some rain today 
and now we wait... while the rain drip drip drips... and wait... untill the Sun shows her face again so we can carry on making stunning visuals to go with the stunning sounds of our new album "Earth Warrior"!
Are YOU an Earth warrior?
Would YOU like to be in the new OMNIA video aswell?
keep checking out this page and find out how YOU can join us!!
