Roadtrip Bulgaria (part 5)

9 Jun 2018

After passing through the misty mountains and mirkwood (where we had a minor encounter with some giant spiders that turned out fine because the Dwarves weren't with us anymore to let us stray from the path)
we rolled through beautifull Slovenia and have now stopped for the night in the gorgeous countryside of Hrvatska (which the rest of the world oddly refers to as "Kroatia") in the lovely ancient village of Čigoč.

Roadtrip to Bulgaria (part 3)

8 Jun 2018

We have reached the foot of the misty mountains in Austria and made camp for the night...

We heard rumours so we are on the lookout for Goblins and possibly Trolls (but thankfully no Dragons here ;-)

The Dwarves are complaining but the Hobbit seems happy birdwatching!


Pic by Mithrandir

Roadtrip to Bulgaria (part 2)

8 Jun 2018

Love in the "The Gerumpelstube"!

We stopped over for a night at our dear Markus and Verena's homely place in Wachenheim an der Weinstrasse
To catch up on stories, to share a slice of life and friendship as well as great food and wine!... (honestly, the delicious dishes that Markus can prepare for Vegans, Vegetarians and Paleo people is just AMAZING!!)
Now, feeling refreshed ,happy and rested we resume our road journey to the long long far far ;-)
today we drive to the big ol'mountains... the Alps!

The road goes ever on!

Road Trip to Bulgaria (part 1)!

7 Jun 2018

Steve has been re-building the interior of our van the last few days (re-using old material and some douglas pine felled by a friend which he cut into planks himself). The result is a beautiful, practical and snug interior with a bed, lots of storage space and a lovely smell... ;-)
Now we're gonna take our 'Black Beauty' on a testdrive all the way to Bulgaria. We are on our way to our friends of
"The way of the Horse and Bow" in the mountains to, well, you guessed it, ride horses and shoot bows!

Tooth and Horn!

1 Jun 2018

Raaaaahhhh!!! Sometimes (many times) I get so fucking angry at the stupid cruel and self-righteous monkeys who are destroying our beautifull world. All the billions of my animal brothers and sisters who are tortured in concrete cells and cages across the world all for the sake of MONEY! I wish I had weapons to fight all this injustice and misery with!


30 May 2018

So, we heard you like our customised eco-shirts?
Well, have them! :-)

Survive the climate change induced heatwave confidently stylish by getting one of our UNIQUE, HANDCRAFTED tops and make all your friends jealous!

All shirts are part of a LIMITED EDITION and were designed & crafted by Spike, especially for YOU!
There is four designs available of which at least one is suitable for both lads and lasses, available sizes are (for now) S and L - if you like it enough, we might make more... ;-)



29 May 2018

Check your mailboxes (and, just in case, also your spam folder!) and indulge in the latest version of our newsletter!

This one's crammed with Updates, Recipes, Runelore and more wicked stuff!

Cawww cawww!

The RavenTeam et OMNIA

Picture of Morrigan and Quoth by Raven

Iron-Age Celtic Warriors!

28 May 2018

Tomorrow is FullMoon so a new Raventimes will be published!

Wanna read it? Subscribe on our website and you will get it for free!

Greenthingz and honour!

"I'm a blood and bone Heya Heya Primitive CaveMan"

26 May 2018

"I can talk to the Trees but I don't speak Human..."

Our Song "Caveman", taken from our latest release "Reflexions", is NOW online on Youtube!
Listen to it down below!

Hokahey on shaman wingz!



Rescued Rose...

24 May 2018

Can you understand why people throw away plants in the garbage? Don't they realise they are living beings? I found this lovely rose (with just a few leaves, dried out in a tiny pot) a few months ago, temperature below zero, in a garbage dumpster. Of course I took it with me and nursed it back to health, first indoors and then outdoors. Now it has rewarded us with a gorgeous flower which smells great too!

Do YOU also rescue plants?
