Looking into the future, do you see the light?

So...euh?... Happy "New Year"!?
is it a new one already? really? gosh... doesn't time fly!
(those of you out there reading this who know us will realise we don't place any belief in the made-up, warped and twisted calendar anymore for a long time)
But still, according to the giant demonic cabballa that rules this little piece of the realm where we all live it is now a whole new year!
And It has an even BIGGER number to put on our daily agenda of chores for our 100% controlled slave-lives in this "free world"!
Now we can all feel the warm glow of "progress", as the one-world, church of "SCIENCE" leads us to a bright and better future!
as everything in our little controlled mass-media, science and military directed lives just get's better and better each day
safer and safer... (thank you anti terrorist laws and wars to "protect" us!)
healthier and healthier... (thank you big medicine with all your super "safe and effective" vaccinations and petrochemical solutions!)
happier and happier!... (thank you "assisted suicide" , "anti-depressants" and comforting news programmes!)
Aren't we the luckiest little sapient monkey species in creation ... eh!?
Oh yes, and for those of you who have had multiple vaccinations and boosters , wave ukraine, israel and rainbow flags around and have had your genitals mutilated because you're psychotically delusional about your sex... ie: those of you who cannot think for themselves anymore ...
I would just like to point out that that last bit is what is called "sarcasm"
But really ,both Jenny and myself wish you another day, followed by an other day,
(for as long as comfortably possible)
in relative health , safety and happiness
(as far as that is possible in this insane poisoned Hell world in which we now seem to find ourselves)
Don't get me wrong, we (Jenny and me) live in what most of you would call "paradise".
We have land, we have space, we have food, we have health, we have clean water, we have fire for warmth, we have nature all around us that nurtures and teaches us... and ...
we wake up each day by the sun and it's energy (not by an alarm clock)
But still...are we free from worry?
are we free from poison raining down from the sky-poopers?
are our all our dear people, our friends, free?
are YOU free?
If you've been paying attention to what is REAL at all, in the last years since the war on humanity was kicked into high-gear back in 2020 then you will realise that no... nobody in this stupid fecking puppet theatre posing as "society" is free.
Not even our so called "leaders" are free, they are all just demonic-possessed actors doing what the script tells them to,
to keep us from discovering who we really are and what kind of a world we actually live on.
So, enough of the witticisms , let's get down to some practical facts for this "new year"
Staying healthy is going to be a tricky one because of the ENORMOUS amounts of poison being dumped into our skies by the Devil's legions...
It is truly horrendous what we have to endure on the surface of this poor beleagered world of ours, poisoned choking mist clouds, energy less days of blocked out sunlight, death by destructive military-made superstorms, floods and earthquakes... Directed energy weapons... oof!... it's pretty scary huh?
On top of that we are all being kept busy busy busy with way too much
"School/University" (ie: governmental brainwashing)
"Work" (ie: indentured servitude...ie: slavery)
"online-information" (ie: confusing, misleading, demoralising, soul-corrupting satanic shit)
So what to do against it?
Well, the simplest answer to that is:
Do everything THEY do not want you to do
Be everthing THEY do not want you to be
(THEY being every single government, university, police, mainstream information provider/influencer ,popstar or pedo-philanthropist.
...remember this is Hell World, if something is famous or popular and is still allowed on big online platforms... it is corrupted.
We will try to give you some mind-healing tips and body-health advice in the coming months if you are interested in how
Stenny stays alive during "the war on humanity", here within the embrace of Nature.
remember the most important rule:
Only LOVE can tame the Demon
Anyway, feel hugged
and we wish you all the best of luck and health!
Warmest Greenthings from your Smoking, meat-eating, moonshining, hetero-sexual, white, homesteading,dieseltruck driving, farming, smartphone destroying, freedom loving, rule-breaking, NATURAL-living, treehugging ,music-making, hillbilly ,pagan friends:
Steve and Jenny