Hello again my friends, I feel moved to write some words.
As many of you realize by now, we are all living in a state of permanent war.
It doesn't matter if there are guns and bombs and men in uniform involved, that actually physically kill and maim people directly by shrapnel, fire, mine and bullet.
Or if it's by Directed Energy "weather-events" that devastate lives and homes and crops.
Or by unjust, seemingly nonsensical "Climate or Social Laws" and "governmental sanctions" that destroy communities, families and livelihoods.
Or by mass produced poisoned needles that the sheep get brainwashed into taking to "save lives".

It's war, and it's a war on YOU.
The rulers of this puppet show are out to enslave and eventually kill you and your family.
The "middle-class of happy self supporting craftsmen and women I used to know has been all but wiped out.
All our "modern and rich" societies and the world we once knew has been erased and is almost forgotten in the minds of the many poor helpless sheep that still refer to themselves as "free-citizens"... tja... what to do eh?
They have no liberty, no proper income, no private home, no healthy food, no time, but hey!
You get to have a personalized dumb pronoun and you get free physical mutilation, life long sterility, hormone dependence, sexual freedom (of course including self-deluding!) For every child and confused self-deluding idiot.
It all seems to be getting worse day by day, as the slowly boiling frog, this society is being warped into a living version of the underworld, Sheol, hell...
It's hard for me to take it all in, from our view point up high....
You see... I know that this has all happened before, there is a pattern.
The beast of Zion rules all...the Iron Lion of Zion controls every single "secret brotherhood" or "exclusive society club" in this realm and they all work together against their one enemy...
Which is us..."the normal people" of this world.
Every country, every law, every tax, every rule is to take away YOUR personal sovereignty over your body, your mind and your soul AND the land you live upon.
All personal property is being sucked up by the big occult monsters like "Black Rock","Vanguard", the Vatican's Jesuit banks (and the really scary ones you have never even heard of).
And don't get me wrong, I don't mean they are occult or serve a demonic master and a demonic agenda as a from of metaphor... I am talking about your actual dark demonic possession here.
In this world to stay FREE, to stay healthy, to stay sane and to stay strong and resistant to this world wide monster it has become inevitable to break the laws, to ignore the rules, to avoid the taxes just to stay independent and alive.
There is no hope in the puppet-show that is being shown to you.
"All the world's a stage and THEY are but actors that walk upon them" ***
All the Trumps, Putins, Israeli shitbags, News castors, so-called Influencers, as well as most of the large independent "voices of reason" (the David Icke, Russel Brant, Joe Rogan gate-keeper crew) are all working for the same boss and
are all working for the same agenda.
They are all part of this prison that we were born into.
Everything you were taught about your history, your country, your body, your world, even your family roots... is a lie.
A construct.
WE are all trapped within an area of land between 66 degrees northern latitude and 66 southern latitude of this world.
Any citizen who crosses this line disappears, anyone who just tries to cross is charged with "terrorism" and jailed. Under the "Arctic and AntArctic" treaty signed by EVERY country in this world.
The world is subdivided into a circular ring of 6 x 60 degrees, divided into 60 map-minutes, divided into 60 map-seconds. That's 6 x 60 x 60 x 60.
THEY also say we are on a spinning ball hanging at an angle of 66.6 degrees in "endless infinite" space speeding around the sun at 66.600 miles an hour.
THEY say this world is being "threatened" by CARBON (number 6 on the periodic table with an atomic number of 666)
THEY give all their speeches and commands with a blue background (frequency blue is 6.66 Terahertz).
The internet YOU are using right now has been invented by and is run through CERN in Switzerland (www is 666 in Hebrew; and Cern's logo just so happens to have a 666 in it).
CERN has a giant underground "magic" ring where they study "DARK MATTER", DARK ENERGY", INTER-DIMENSIONAL PORTALS" and the "GOD PARTICLE" (that's all straight off their own website btw). It is the largest "Machine" in existence, takes the largest amount of tax money of anything in this world and is paid for by all the same countries that have signed the "Arctic /Antarctic treaty".
By the way if you ever wondered what the
"One ring to RULE them all, One ring to FIND them , One ring to TAKE them all and in the DARKNESS BIND THEM" is about... well... look no further... it's CERN in Switzerland...
You know Switzerland right?
That's the place all the money in the world is kept.
Where the WHO, the United Nations all the INTERNATIONAL BANKS and international military organizations and councils, not to mention 'dear Klaus' and his WEF, etc, etc, are based.
That one country that never had a war in the last 300 years... because it's supposedly "NEUTRAL"??... You know... if some guys have a war and want to invade like:
"Hey guys! We gotta tank here, how about we invade the country with all the gold and money in it!?"
The answer is "No way! They are Neutral!!"
Wouldn't Palestine like to be neutral? And what about Lebanon? How exactly does a country become "Neutral"?
Oh yeah...they also hire out their army to the Antichrist, sorry, I mean the pope... the actual frigging Swiss army has been protecting the Vatican for the last ...300 years.
But anyway I digress, I was only pointing out those little snippets of fact to make the point that this is an evil occult world we are now inhabiting.
You may feel confused and upset over most things that happen in your community or daily life because there is a very good reason for this.
This world is Hell.
We are living in a post-apocalyptic world that went under between 300 and 150 years ago.
We are the descendants of the original inhabitants, our closer ancestors were children, raised in slavery, told stories to make them conform to the will of the ones who brought about the cataclysm.
These children grew up into adults who told THEIR children the stories THEY were told...
This whole world is based upon a giant lie…
All media, All schools, Universities, News, Movies, Books, Traditions, countries...
It's all a lie.
YOU are now a soul trapped in a body, your body is trapped in a physical cage...
This is not the end-stage though!
It's like a giant game you have to play to get to the exit,
Like an "escape room" for the soul.
There IS a way out!
And the way out is more spiritual than physical...
YOU first need to realize that YOU were indoctrinated into believing lies about this world from the day you were born...
You may laugh, your programming will probably rebel against what I'm saying here.
You will probably feel "cognitive dissonance" just thinking about it (we did at first as well).
But think about it... ANY subject you dive deeper into concerning our history seems to be filled with "errors" and "discrepancies"...
But still I must declare here, after many years of careful study of the nature of this world on which we find ourselves that I have found the following facts to be true:
Every bit of "health advice" that has been pushed at you through any government and W.H.O. during the last century or so is designed to make you sick, weak and kill you slowly once your usefulness as slave-labour has expired. (all part of the EUGENICS cult)
If the Science of Zions tells you "eat or use this" it's actually poison,
if they say 'Don't eat or use this" it's actually healthy.
e.g.: saturated fats, fatty meat, tobacco and salt are good for you, but too much bread, sugar and alcohol will kill you...
Money (fiat currency) has no worth to the highest mightiest rulers here, it is merely a way of keeping all of us chained to the slavefarm we inhabit, to bribe and encourage the most depraved and evil of our "fellow citizens" (the 1%) to screw over the rest of us who are basically good-willed and just wish for a bit of comfort, peace and love (the 99%).
ok here's a tricky one: This world is NOT a spinning ball, there is NO "outer space"
The world is exactly what it seems to be ....
1: A relatively flat stationary plane, there is NO curvature over ANY distance.
(the north pole is the centre, the south is a ring of sea ice-wall that encloses it)
I don't know how big this flat space is because no normal citizen is allowed to go and check.
2: We have a fixed pole-star above us, IT.DOES.NOT.MOVE...
3: A giant disc of FIXED multi coloured flickering lights is slowly spinning above us like a clock...
fixed around it's turning point the polestar.
4: A regular local sun and moon, which are about the same size, travel in a circle over our world at a fixed speed (the sun is electric and HOT, the moon is magnetic and COLD).
OH MY GOD!!! Steve and JENNY are "FLATEARTHERS"??!!
That's it..they must be insane, what a load of old rubbish! I'm not going to read any further because this must be total lunacy!...Right?
Let me tell you one more thing though, before you close this page and never come back to it again.
If there is ONE thing that YOU and I have in common it's this:
We BOTH started out believing in the space ball we were taught about in primary school.
Just like we BOTH thought that flat earthers are a bunch of science-denying idiots.
The big difference now is that I (and Jenny) have spent over 4 years researching EVERYTHING about Newton, NASA, Einstein, the Rothschilds, the Rockefeller schooling system, the "space race" , etc., etc.
We have gone in-depth into this whole "space theory" and
Jenny and I have personally conducted many MANY astounding experiments and observations to ascertain that...
bloody hell!
Who would have thought it possible?
So now we are kind of "flat earthers" (but I stress to say that most "flat earthers" you will meet online in the evil controlled internet are idiots, bots or gatekeepers. Please don't think that "your" Stenny is affiliated with any of the "flat earth society" or other such bullshit).
Anyway... seeing as I've probably alienated 90% of you out there by now I will stop writing now, also my computer time behind a keyboard is limited to no more than about 2 hours per 2 weeks (because yes… computers and all devices are very bad for your health and your soul as well).
So I take my leave with just this bit of advice.
Don't trust anyone (also not me)
Question everything (also what I say)
This war we are in is against YOU and ME it is about our SOUL
So do NOT be tempted do anything that you know is BAD or EVIL or just plain WRONG (and yes...YOU know what I mean)
Because trust me...this too will pass... I feel it
Feel hugged, feel supported, FEEL ALIVE!!!
Inquisitor Steve Sic (and Jenny says Hi!)
*** After Shakespeare... who is a made-up person aka "Construct", like all our "historical figures"
PS: As I am getting totally sick of the braindead-normy rainbow, virtue-signalling booster boys and girls anyway, and I'm not sure how many people I have now cut off from ever coming to this site again... I will just get rid of a few thousand more by adding that Dinosaurs never existed and the second world war seems to have been won by the bad guys....Ah! hear how quiet it has become now! Such peace! :-)
Painting "Fight for You" by the amazing Bob Moran