FREEDOM: The freedom to wander around naked under the sky and the sun while gardening in the middle of the winter, because you just feel like it, because the fresh air feels good on your skin, because being directly exposed to the rays of the sun is so important to our health and happiness! ***

This healthy looking dude is Oleg btw. from the beautifull country of Czechia.
We know him because, once many years ago, when we still toured the world with our band, Oleg was a big OMNIA fan, and he used to visit our shows when we played in Czechia.
Of course we weren't aware of him personally at that time, as with so many good people (like YOU) we never actually got to meet him in person, we only inter-acted with him indirectly as Musicians performing from a stage to one of the many happy, smiling, faces that make up the huge audience of people who together were generically called "OMNIA fans".
But we DID know his name because he (like many other sweet people) left little gifts for us at our merch-stand during the show, which we would get from our "merch-babes" after the performance was done. (sometimes there were much appreciated gifts of real food for Stenny, sometimes personal art, or hand made blankets, socks, swords, puppets, pipes, paintings etc. too much to make a list here...but we remember and loved them all!!
(many of these gifts are still hanging or being used here in TERRA OMNIA!) Oleg was one of the many fans who actually gave us some real nice natural drugs to take after the show... which were all happily consumed in the meantime... but that is beside the point.
So how come Oleg ended up walking around butt-naked with a wheelbarrow full of organic compost to one of our flower/vegetable patches on TERRA OMNIA during this lovely warm winter sun weather in the middle of winter?
(while Jenny and me are also doing some gardening "au naturel" out of picture shot ) ***'s like this:
During the start of the Great Reset-War back in 2020, Oleg was busy being free and easy.
(he'd quit his job in Czech and started roaming the world using "workaway" to just help-out on farms and stuff for bed and board to have the chance to be released from the annoying shackles of the ubiquitous world wide slavery system called "normal work" to "Pay tax and rent")
When the "new world order" showed us all how much power they really had in their sweaty little tranny hands by shutting down the entire world in a military and police enforced imprisonment.
This war on humanity and her economic destruction was named "the covid-19 pandemic"
Oleg happened to be stranded somewhere in Slovenia at the time and couldn't leave the country anymore...
He knew that we were alive and building Terra Omnia somewhere in the wild hillbilly mountains of that country so he took a chance... and contacted us through our website.
He told us:
"I'm Oleg...I gave you weed once"
"I grew up on a farm, I can handle a chainsaw, I can chop firewood, I can garden, I build with wood, cement, and stone, I'm strong, I can cook, I like you and your music and I think the world is not what it seems too...
The new world order has imprisoned me against my will and plans...
I have nowhere to go right now....
can I come and help you build Terra Omnia for a while?"
Jenny and me thought about it for a very short while...
we are reclusive and very "exclusive" because we live in a temple-retreat almost like anchorites...
but we realised we really needed some extra help with "stuff to do on this giant land to survive"
I also realised he had given me weed once, and a dog...I never forget a thing like that!
So we said "Yes, get your fuzzy Slavic butt over here and we will see if we can use your skills"
Long story short:
He did...
we could...
In the end he ended up staying and living together with us for more than two months at TERRA OMNIA in 2020!! And he brought other sweet and interesting people who wanted to volunteer and come help us from time to time as well!
Now over the last 5 years Oleg and some other great people who started out like just him come over here every year just to "be" for a while on this land of healing, peace and Natural splendor.
Some come by car, some by bicycle! some by public transport...
they come from all over the world, from each type of society and race.
All they have in common is they love the natural world /real things,
they don't believe in this world anymore,
they have many questions
and they have some skills to share with us...
They don't come here for money
They don't come here for fame
They don't come here to show off to their friends
They come here to feel a little bit of freedom, and what "real life" could be/should be like.
Away from the city, away from the rules, away from the death trap that is society.
That's why they come here...Terra Omnia is a tiny slice of FREEDOM.
And now when Oleg is here
(or any one of the other unique souls that have landed here for a day or a week or a month)
we talk, we share, we hug, we feel "alive"
together one on one (or two or three)
something we couldn't do when we were physically and mentally encumbered by having a "working band" and a permanent "schedule of work"
Now we don't stand on a stage and play music AT people anymore
We sit by the fire and play together and share music WITH people
In the meantime Oleg has spent more days, weeks and months here
(first as a volunteer, later as a good friend of us) on Terra Omnia than anyone else.
He is now my good friend and buddy Oleg,
(which of course entitles me to put the picture of him in his bare arse here on the website! Hey how about that Oleg! haha!)
The picture was taken by his girlfriend Betty who he didn't have before but who now also comes to us and stays to fill the place with laughter and sunshine when she can get away from the clutches of "the job and education cattle market" called society...
FREEDOM is a word that has many different (mis)uses but to me TERRA OMNIA comes close.
Now I can imagine YOU reading this and thinking "hey!, maybe I should go there as well to taste some of this feeling of being free,
or maybe you want to come and share your own stories of freedom with us,
if you have managed to get yourself a piece of land as well or you live in a travelling gypsy wagon or on a bicycle or something
here are the rules:
You must be at least partly awake to what's going on right now
("Normies" and "Sheeple" cost us too much energy)
Your Gender is not important (we accept BOTH genders...male AND female!)
You must bring skills we can use
(the only thing we agree about with the NWO is ...we don't need "useless eaters")
Skills like:
Woodcutting, Gardening, Building, Carpentry, Massage/Physio, traditional Cooking, Wildcrafting, nature knowledge, practical "home-skills", so-called advanced "truthing", any Music recording/mixing , video documentary making, and of course our preferences also go out to any one who also has good developed Music, Singing or Dancing skills!
You can contact us via our website contact form and we'll see what we can do together ... or not
(like I said we have a totally "exclusive" society here, based on actual skill, personality and knowledge.)
Who knows?
Maybe YOU are like Oleg?
Feel hugged, feel FREE!
Steve Sic
picture by Betty the Bouncy
ps: ***Oh yeah , I said I would give you some "health tips" from Stenny's personal experience so...
here's a big health-tip!
We never use "SUN-BLOCK" or "SUN LOTION" or any of that kind of petro-chemical poison (because theyre poisonous),
Direct sunlight on your exposed skin is good for your overall health,
it helps prevent stuff like cancer and increases your general "aliveness"...
If you feel that you are starting to burn in the sun after a while, go inside or cover your skin, if your skin is still too sensitive, wait for it to strengthen over time... start in spring.
Do not "lie down and fry" under a full sun like an idiot-shaped barbeque sausage! ...ofcourse you'll burn then!
Just stay outside with as much skin exposed to air and sun as possible for longer and longer periods of time to give your poor, indoor trained , airconditioned , fully plastic-clothed , misused carcass time to get used to what real life feels like.****
Your skin will adapt and become stronger as it gets used to a natural level of electric, life-giving, energy carrying sunlight! Use plenty of pure virgin coconut oil or pure free-range pig fat to help heal and calm the skin if it has become a little sun-burned.
And for all you pale, white, gothy, sick looking people who "worship the night" and wish to be "pale as death" ...and all that sort of E.A.Poe bla bla, poetic crap that I used to believe aswell
(don't forget I was a teenaged vampire and slept in a coffin looooong before the word "Gothic" was ever invented)
AND to all of you:
"I am of NORDIC-viking descent and looking like a pale white lump of lard is natural to me"
I would just like to say this:
because of course ...getting NO sun leads to skin conditions and overall ill health...
while sun-block consumer products contain all the weird and wonderfull things that "Zion's Science" can provide to give you skin cancer... ahem...
I also stopped wearing sunglasses by the way,
(yeah I know...I wore sunglasses constantly for a hundred years or more, because I thought it made me look cool and mature...)
but hey! I realise now that we are all losers here in this realm (me included) until we learn to really "wake up" completely ... so I dumped my precious shades altogether...
because your eyes grow stronger and better focused by looking directly into the sunlight.
And what If the lights's too bright?, wear a hat you idiot!
(that's what I told myself, so I can say it to YOU
Also shades make your eyes (and your body) believe you are not receiving direct sunlight so you will burn quicker... strange but true...
pps: ****
And Don't be worried about any and all nudity being highly "sexual" or "embarrasing" btw. because to us it works differently than with most people. You see ...
because we have NOT been indoctrinated by zion-owned social media and rabbi-owned porn channels to see any form of nakedness as sexual/porno-graphic expression leading to pedofilia, perversion and an explosion of tranny-horror operations etc. we can still look at a naked healthy human as just beautifull and it should be!
(Unlike your mind-control internet... why did you think they started banning pictures of small naked children or breast feeding mothers or simply any bit of "female nipples" in the first place all those years ago?
Did You really think it had something to do with decency!?
...look around you at this over sexualised world...
do you still think it was about "decency" ha ha!...
normie sheeple are all so easily led to their own doom!..