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Hi again my friends!


As you may have noticed our old broken website has been taken down, and you are now

looking at the new improved version. Daphyd made this lovely bit of techy-stuff so it will work a lot better for Jenny when she handles orders for the webshop 

which is very handy for the survival of TERRA OMNIA as a living Temple because we now live very simply from what we grow and from what YOU are willing to give to us, either from buying online, in our shop, or from donations

Life here on TERRA OMNIA is going in the steady flow of nature, the seasons change...

hard work needs doing, vegetable gardens to make winter-ready, firewood to be harvested, chopped, stacked and re-stacked as it dries for the stove to keep us warm in the cold winter (we only have primitive wood fires and stoves in our houses).

Because of the constant weather attacks by the world government we needed some extra work outside; for example I had to fix the road and the water drainage, better storm, rain, hail covers were needed so.. extra roofs had to be built and repaired for the jeep, the digger, the fire wood etc. We've been insulating the inside of both our houses with extra layers of pine-wood planking.

(We have two houses here, the main house and a guest house, both built of undressed stone at the base with wood constructions on top of that, both built in 1941 during the last big reset) 

There was also a huge barn dating from 1908, but the HAARP storms proved to strong for the poor old dear and it's now collapsing... past saving.

I had to learn a lot of construction work, wood work, cementing, bricklaying etc. to make the 2 half-ruined houses liveable when we first came here, but now they are very comfortable indeed and TERRA OMNIA is the best "home" you could possibly imagine (but only if you are a nature loving, natural living tree-hugger like us!)

I keep saying that I find it very hard to still write blogs here, like I used to do every day (!!!??) once upon a time. 

This is because back then I still thought that most of the world made sense and that we could change things for the better by "raising awareness" (hahaha! that seems sooo naive now!)

This was long before we finally "became fully awake" after the giant world- wide CORONA scam and the mass poisoning by the parasites.

I still have loads of thoughts and insights which I wish to share with you, but I keep shrinking away from that task because I am very much aware that the internet is a very evil, world-government-run weapon of mind control and energy vampirism.

I basically want you all to throw away your smartphones and limit your "online" enslavement to the absolute minimum you need for survival in this puppet-show called "society".

BUT, even though I'm now exposing myself and my mind to "the Demon" by writing these words here online, I still wish to speak out loud about LIFE and what it's really for, to anybody out there who still has a functioning mind and who hasn't given up the fight against all this evil nonsense yet.

Also I have a lot of stuff shameful to answer for, because I have written waaaaay too much bullshit here on these pages in the past 

(well...ok..not on these actual pages because it's a new website..but still you know what I mean). 

I even used to write on Facebook for feck's sake! (aaargh!... the shame, the shame!)  

That's worse than still believing in the moon landing!! or that 9/11 was NOT an inside job!! hahaha!

So as part of my redemption to relieve my guilt and for your entertainment I will keep on writing my mind here, because I feel the need to make some confessions to you...

About all the things I got wrong over the years like: 

"climate change is real and it's caused by CO2" 


"The world is overpopulated" ... 

Because both those statements are not true.

and possibly I will also add some nice little stories and updates about life in the real world here on TERRA OMNIA!

Anyway, that's all for now my friends!

Feel hugged!

Throw away your smartphone and free your mind!

Inquisitor Steve Sic   

I've stopped using the misnomer "Shaman", because too many bad people started using that title in the past years who are so... completely full of shit...  eugh!... I need to distance myself from the wannabe commercial "spirit-workers" .... ha ha!

It's become almost embarrassing to still call myself a nature "Pagan" these days!


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