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BRAN (Raven)

6 Aug 2022

The most CLASSIC OMNIA composition.

In an ever-changing world, some things remain the same.

“Bran” is the title of the first musical piece Jenny and me EVER composed together…
20 years ago this autumn!

It was written in Love for Life, for Nature and for each other.

We wrote it while living in a big dirty city, dreaming and longing for a life of freedom amongst the wylde woods, where the Ravens fly majestic to the rythm of the Earth.
Imagining living among them far from the madness of mutant monkeys.

Do YOU ever question your reality?

29 Jul 2022

Do you ever wonder about the world you inhabit and the simple fact what it actually looks like?

what shape is it?

Because You cannot actually SEE the world from the outside personally,
YOU must trust the information and images you have been given your whole life since childhood by... euh... by the nice people who actually own the military industrial complex that rules the world.

Like this fascinating picture made by NASA artists of the fabled continent of Antarctica,

the legendary "bottom of the Globe"

Beautifull isn't it?

This is ... Reality

19 Jul 2022

here's another wonderfully candid Bob Moran look at "the new normal"

Hugz and keep laughing at those fuckers!

Shaman Steve Sic

To Know, is that you know Nothing...that is the meaning of true knowledge!

17 Jul 2022

You are never too old too learn new things are you?
So many people believe they really "KNOW" what reality is, what disease is, what economic reality is, what history is, what "science" is..what "world leaders, globalists and philanthropists" REALLY are etc. etc..

I used to think I knew a lot (before the Corona theatre and the world media  take-over started to gear up into higher a higher population and culture kill-modus).

microcosm in a macrocosm

8 Jul 2022

We are living in a bubble, a small contained island of peace amid the ongoing "War on Nature"
(the most mis-understood and hidden bank-supported-war of them all)

In our litle island of peace, Nature is still the benevolent provider and healer of all things ,

she gives us existence and wants us to be free and happy.

In the Kingdom of the BLIND, The ONE-EYED (PYRAMID) is king

18 Jun 2022

(and TWO eyed who can see, are called "conspiracy theorists")

I didn't believe in chemtrails untill I personally saw them blocking out the sun

I didn't believe in the Cabal's Banks untill I personally saw them take cash and replace it with data

I didn't believe in governmental genocide untill I personally saw them poisoning old folks and kiddies

I didn't believe in Jewish run media untill I personally saw the manipulation games they play

I didn't believe in the new world order untill I personally saw them steal and destroy our freedom

Live Life every day like it could be your last ;-)

16 Jun 2022

Life will reward you with enjoyment every hour...

It's amazing how a completely new type of existence can stay so rewarding each day.
Our enviroment here at TERRA OMNIA is becoming more and more beautifull as it get's "Stennyfied" more each day , and we ofcourse are getting even more "Natured"!

Bealtaine Fire and Apple Blossoms

1 May 2022

Keep on celebrating the REAL Energy of Life and the beauty of “normal” things! No matter what the mad monkeys try to say :-)

Greenthingz  and hugz and real life from the wild hills

What happened to the internet?

17 Apr 2022

Where did most of it go? Did YOU notice yet?

What seems to be an endless sea of information with millions and billions of "hits" for any question or topic you put into "Google" or any other search-engines 

turns out to be a teeny tiny little pond with just a few hundred vetted sites (mostly owned by the upcoming world government) and that is all the answer you will get for any search term!

Watch this video please (and everything else these two wonderfull people made if you want to know more)
